25 October, 2010

Haven't written much because a lot of it would have been whining. I'm hungry, I don't like a lot of the foods I'm eating, I want a damn hamburger, I want cheese, wah! In spite of all that, I'm doing my best to stick with it.

Weekends are difficult as we sleep in and don't eat our first meal of the day until around noon, and I just can't bring myself to force 3 meals down between then and bedtime. Yesterday I ended up using that as an excuse to snack on buttered popcorn and vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup... Saturday I had a handful of tootsie rolls. Tasty, but not worth it. We did finish up the ice cream though, and thats almost the last of the junk foods we had in the house before starting. I've got a hidden box of chocolate pocky in the closet, saving for chocolate emergency *grin* otherwise there's a box of brownie mix, and a cake in the freezer that we plan to thaw out and take to a party this or next weekend. Ohhh... and some chocolate fudge pop tarts...

After that, aside from small single serving treats that can be kept aside as occasional rewards, I won't be bringing any more into the house. If its not there, I can't eat it.

Fridays we get out at Noon, so went to check out a couple of gyms. One that bf's mom goes to for her physical theurapy which was a nice little place and would've been cheap, but didn't really have much to offer. The other turns out to be just down the street from us, maybe a mile and a half at most. Lots of amenities (including oxygen bar),  more pricey but we decided it was worth the extra cost. Being so close to home takes away almost any excuse we might have to skip out.

Tonight we have an appointment to talk to one of their trainers about our goals, they'll do all the measurements and bmi stuff apparently, and go over what sort of exercise and whatnot we need to be doing to achieve our goals. Something I'm extremely nervous about as I know myself well enough to know there's a heavy chance of me taking things personally, which would be unproductive. BF and I are going together, though, so he can do most of the talking and elbow me if I get oversensitive :)

I'm hopeful, we're excited about the gym. Probably going to start at 2-3 days a week but I want to eventually be going 5... maybe even for a few minutes on the weekend.




1 comment:

Mike of Many said...

Best of luck.. I know that hitting the gym is harder for me than eating right.