15 March, 2010

Is this thing on?

Just look at those googly eyes, so adorable I can't help but giggle whenever I look at the current background on my desktop. Maybe I should get pet fishies, and whenever I'm down I can just sit and google back at the lil' guys... There's definitely a thought to be considered, and might be more appreciated by my roommates than a new puppy in a small apartment or even caged rats. So, we shall see what happens in the next month or so.

Speaking of roommates, I've noticed that the last post was when I lived in DeKalb still... and was in an uncomfortable situation.

I've since moved on, friend Greyhound carried me from Illinois to Oklahoma (yet another place I'd never even visited before moving to) and I'm now living in Tulsa.

My roommates are amazing and fantastic. We're looking at moving into a 2 bedroom apartment within the next few weeks, and I've got a couple of leads for potential employment that I'm praying (insomuch as I actually pray) that one of them pans out. I've already made some fantastic friends here and am looking forward to finding out what it might be like to settle down in such a place for a while. Check out that whole stability thing, stay in one place for a bit? Hmmm interesting concept.

There's a guy... but neither of us is looking for forever right now so we're just enjoying time spent in good company. This makes for happy, its what I need right now. A large part of what makes me so miserable in new places is feeling starved for affection and companionship, cuddles... Not necessarily the outright Physical stuff but... having someone to snuggle up and watch a movie with is always a bright and shiny thing.

Roommates have dogs, and they're adorable, I can't even fully explain or express how much happier and calmer I feel just having dogs around me again. There's a strangeness to that I'm sure, but I'm completely okay with it. After all, I'm the one who squees at puppies and cringes away from babies.

Writing again, just a little but progress is progress.

I guess it boils down to... Things are looking good for once, and this time I think its more than just the usual "ooo shiny" of a new place. I've been here since mid-december and still feel happy about everything (except the job hunt) and am even somewhat optomistic about things.

Here's to holding my breath (will it make my cheeks and eyes pook out like mr fishie?) and hoping this time things continue with the good start.

1 comment:

Ken said...

Very interesting ... I read part of your profile, and your not the only one that weird things happen to!

I'm just glad that I'm really NOT crazy after all, sike ... maybe just a lil bit though!