01 May, 2009

For once, I think I actually look my age

I have nothing clever or useful to say... Wasting time as I wait for my ride to tonight's Beach outing. She should be here any minute, but I decided to play with the camera phone. I look pale and tired but I'm feeling good and look, there's a smile trying to escape!!

I hate smiling in pictures, my grandma used to make me give this huge toothy smile for family pictures and I've never been able to break the habit since.. even though I find that joker-like smile completely repulsive. Ugh.

Funny, people try to tell me that I look sad or lost in my pics, and it really is just that I find that smile so disgusting that I delete any pics where it happens. Anyway, I think I look better in my serious, or slightly playful pics.

Any rate, off to the beach *squee*

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